MSc. Education
On this page you can find information about the maritime master Marine Technology. The masters you can follow in the maritime field are MSc. Marine Technology at 3mE and MSc. Offshore Dredging and Engineering at 3mE in combination with the Faculty of Civil Engineering. For the MSc. Offshore Dredging and Engineering, the “Dispuut Offshore Technology” is responsible and you can visit this site for information. For the master Marine Technology you can contact the Society of Maritime Technology (SMT) with questions.
The brightspace page (to enroll to this brightspace please click this link) of Marine Technology contains a lot of information about the courses, structure and actual information about the master. This is also the main source of information for this master, where this webpage has been created to provide a brief summary and direct you to where more information can be found.
A short summary of the master Marine Technology will be given in the following part.
The master Marine Technology has a number of specializations:
Maritime Operations and Management
Ship Design
Marine Engineering
Ship Hydromechanics
Ship and Offshore Structures
You can choose one of these specializations, or disciplines in other words, or make a combination of courses so that you can specialize yourself in a number of disciplines. Actually, you can compile your own set of courses in addition to the compulsory courses:
Fundamentals of Marine Engineering 5 ECTS Q1
Torsion and Shear in Marine Structures 5 ECTS Q1
Design of Complex Specials 5 ECTS Q1
Maritime Finance, Bussiness and Law 5 ECTS Q2
Motions & Loading of Structures in Waves 5 ECTS Q2
If you didn't do the BSc. Marine Technology, the following course is compulsory as well:
Introduction to Ship and Offshore Hydromechanics 3 ECTS Q2
Furthermore, you must collect colloquia points by attending activities that expand your knowledge apart from your educational program, for example a lunch lecture (1 point) or excursion (3 points). In the end, you need 15 colloquia points in order to be able to graduate.
To graduate, you must write a thesis. This takes 9 months and you will receive 45 ECTS for this.
For further information and overview documents you can go to this brightspace page, where you can easily see which courses there are, when and by whom they are taught and whether they are compulsory, for example.
For more information about a master's at TU Delft, you can go to master information days to get a good overview of the possibilities within Delft. These information days will be in March of 2022, for which more information will appear on this website.
So it's up to you! For more information, check the website of the TU Delft or the brightspace! You can also ask questions by email to
If you have any feedback for an MSc. course, please feel free to contact the board of the S.G. "William Froude" (, or SMT. It's also possible to give your feedback with this form.