In 1903, 40 students studied shipbuilding who only had one professor. Moreover, their right to exist was questioned, which was the reason for three students to establish association to give shipbuilding a first glimpse of independence. The aims of the association were publishing writings, organising lectures and excursions. Not only to tighten the connection between industry, but also to improve the facilities of the students. The conditions under which drawings and experiments was exercised, was depressing bad and the Dutch shipbuilding lagged behind. That was the reason to publish technical writings and contribute to the knowledge in this area.
Over time, the priorities and aims of the association were shift, which was partly due to changes in the external infrastructure. During the first decades of the 20th century, mostly writings of technical nature were published to inform students and shipyards about the newest developments in engineering. Also, in 1911 with the establishment of the reading society a reading portfolio became available for the members of Froude, where specialist literature was included. For a large part, this was gathered by the reading society, but later there were also some members who made a personal subscription available to this reading portfolio. After the second world war, this was changed. Students could gather knowledge from the publications of MARIN, TNO, KIVI and KNVTS. The current publications of Froude serve another purpose and have another form. Currently, there are the year book and magazine. Moreover, there is a comprehensive reading cabinet at the office of the board of Froude, where the members can find all kinds of technical writings. From the beginning, lectures and excursions has a important emphasis.
Additionally, from the 60’s the amount of social activities grew rapidly. They organised evenings playing skittles, Sinterklaas parties and later drinks.